Spring 2014 Information

Registration is now open for our Spring 2014 tournaments. 

Our Spring semester begins January 10 and 11, 2014. The final tournaments for the semester are on May 16 and 17, 2014. 

There are 17 tournaments in our Spring Semester. Our Fall semester usually has 14 tournaments. We will be using the same format that we have used for almost 300 tournaments. 

We have two membership options. Space is limited, so if you wish to register, please submit your registration form and deliver payment as soon as possible. 

Friday Membership: Tournaments begin at 6:30pm and are scheduled for January 10, January 17, January 24, January 31, February 7, February 14, February 21, February 28, March 14, March 28, April 4, April 11, April 18, April 25, May 2, May 9, and May 16. Friday Membership Price: $120 per individual or $195 for two siblings.

Saturday Membership: Tournaments begin at 4:30pm and are scheduled for January 11, January 18, January 25, February 1, February 8, February 15, February 22, March 1, March 15, March 29, April 5, April 12, April 19, April 26, May 3, May 10, and May 17. Saturday Membership Price: $120 per individual or $195 for two siblings.

Guests: Players who are not Panda Chess Academy members are welcome to attend any tournament if space is available. The entry fee is $15. Parents must enter via our Online Entry Form. We also ask that parents register once per semester using our Registration Form

Tournament Substitutions For Members: We do not offer refunds, credits or make-ups for missed events. Sometimes we may offer a substitution, or switching tournaments within that week. For example, if your child has a Friday Membership, but has a school function on Friday January 10, he or she may be able to play in our Saturday tournament scheduled for January 11 instead. If you are interested in substituting dates, you must give us advanced notice via email. We often can’t accommodate requests for changing days. 

Online Tournament Entry Form: Parents must use our Online Entry Form before the weekly deadline so we know to pair the player for the upcoming tournament. This is required for both members and guests. Players who are entered after the deadline won’t be paired. 

The Online Tournament Entry Form can be found at www.chesspanda.com in the top left corner and it is labeled Enter a Tournament!

Online Entry Form Deadlines: Players must be entered by Thursday 10pm to play in the upcoming Friday tournament. Players must be entered by Friday 10pm to play in the Saturday tournament.

Canceling Entry to a Tournament: The online entry form has a withdraw option. This should be used by parents who wish to cancel plans to attend a tournament. There is nothing wrong with entering a tournament early in the week then withdrawing before the tournament date, but signing up for a tournament then no-showing disrupts the tournament. 

USCF Membership: United States Chess Federation membership is required because these tournaments are rated. It is the player’s responsibility to have a current USCF membership. USCF memberships are available for $11 per year (send us an email for USCF membership questions). 

Please visit http://www.uschess.org/msa to see if your child’s membership is up to date.

Scheduled Breaks and Cancellation due to Weather: There are no tournaments on March 7-8 and March 21-22. If a tournament is canceled due to weather or unforeseen reasons, we will offer a choice of make-up event, credit towards future events, or a prorated refund. Please visit www.chesspanda.com and check your email for any updates regarding weather. 

Rules and More Information: We ask that parents understand the Panda Chess Academy rules and policies. At the top of www.chesspanda.com we have a link labeled InfoPlease visit the Info page to read about rules, policies, and frequently asked questions. 

How to Register:

These steps are required for both returning and new members. 

1) Visit http://www.chesspanda.com/form.html and fill out the registration form. We will wait 5 business days to give parents time to mail payment. 

2) Mail a check made payable to Jeffrey Ashton to 3139 W. Holcombe #362 Houston, TX 77025. Parents may bring a check or cash to our final tournaments on December 20, or Saturday December 21. 

Parents can cancel their registration and receive a refund any time before January 10, 2014. 

Please email info@chesspanda.com if you have any questions.