How do I look up ratings, tournament results, and USCF membership information?

For information about how to look up a player's rating or USCF information, we have a Tournament Results link at the bottom of the website that explains how to look up ratings and USCF information.

USCF members should be aware of their expiration date and not wait until the last minute to renew. You can check the expiration dates at

If you wish to renew your USCF membership, please do so at Jim Liptrap's website. Use this link: and use the membership only options. 

If you wish to refer a friend to any USCF tournament, it is very helpful if you ask them to purchase their USCF membership ahead of time using Jim Liptrap's website. Jim Liptrap gets a group discount rate of $11 per year instead of having to pay the usual $17 (but also he gets things processed very efficiently).